【連載中】.hack//Reunion プロローグ



* This story is an unofficial derivative work (Fan Fiction) depicting the society 10 years after the PS game “.hack//G.U.”.
It is created based on G.U.’s game, there are some parts that do not follow the settings of other series and derivative (media mix) works.
* Only the prologue and episode 1 have been translated.








 漠然とした不安により人々が無気力と閉塞感へ陥り、人と人とが断絶しがちな世界で、多様性を受け入れ、ネットを通じてリアルと変わらないコミュニケーションが可能な「The World」に多くの人が集まることは、誰にも止められない社会現象のひとつになっていた。

―The World
 The Worldはヘッドセットが脳波に直接働きかけることで、まるでリアルのような没入体験が出来る。そのため、他のサービスとは桁違いの没入感、現実とほぼ変わらない心身体験が得られることから、ゲーマー以外の幅広いタイプのユーザーからも人気となり、シェアが爆発的に伸び続けていた。冒険を楽しむPC(プレイヤーキャラクター)、ビジネスに明け暮れるPC、遠く離れた家族や恋人と繋がるためにログインするPC… The Worldはまさにネット上におけるひとつの「世界」となっていた。そんな中、奇妙な噂がネットを騒がせる。


The Worldには様々な機能がデザインされたPCが存在するが、あらゆる交流がコミュニケーションの範囲を出ることはない。すべての現象が、あくまで脳を”錯覚”させているに過ぎないからだ。そのため妊娠、すなわち「生命を生み出すこと」などありえないのである。だからこそ、この噂は人びとの好奇心に火をつけたのであった。

 ジャーナリストの森野優一はとある不可解な事件を追っていた。The Worldの一大ギルドのひとつ、「カナード」で大量の意識不明者が出たという事件である。そしてこの事件現場に「Mother」がいたと、もっぱら噂になっていた。
 優一は長らくThe Worldから離れていた。かれこれ10年ほどになるかもしれない。彼は懐かしい気持ちを胸にThe Worldへログインする。”元カナードのギルドマスター・シラバス”として。



The year is 2027.

 It’s an age where mankind remains attached to physical forms despite the rumors that life has been created on the internet. The world is rife with problems like political dysfunction, identity crisis’, and serious genetic disorders that have destroyed all medical institutions. Now, as even more resources are poured into research for technology for cyberbrains, it seems all of society will undergo a cybernetic rebirth.

―――― What does the future hold for mankind?

 In a world where people have fallen into a lethargic stagnation and become disconnected from each other due to this unseen menace, many use the Internet to gather at ‘The World,’ where diversity is accepted and communication is as authentic as the real world. It’s become an unstoppable social phenomenon.

―――― ‘The World’
 Despite players losing consciousness while playing and other numerous incidents that have shaken the Internet at large, developers continue rolling out new versions of the game. Although it was just considered an online VR game, in recent years, large-scale development into communication and business VR services have helped ‘The World’ achieve rapid growth.
 The World uses a headset that connects directly to brain waves to give users an immersive experience that feels real. As a result of the extremely immersive experiences offered, use has expanded beyond gamers to a variety of other types of users, which has also led to an explosive growth in shares. There were PCs (player characters) for adventuring, PCs for businesses, or PCs that could be logged into to connect family members and lovers separated by distance. The World had become just like the real world online, and it wasn’t long before rumors of a miracle began to spread.

―――― And now there appears to be a pregnant PC.

 They called that PC ‘Mother’. Many kinds of specially designed PCs were created for The World, but these interactions were never meant to leave the realm of communication, and all of these phenomena were, at most, simple hallucinations created by the brain. As such, impregnation, in so much as the creation of life, was an impossibility. But perhaps that is why such a rumor was so quick to set fire to the people’s imagination.

 Journalist Yuichi Morino is investigating a mysterious incident. In the largest guild on The World, Canard, a large number of people have lost consciousness. And it’s said that Mother was at the scene of the crime.
Those that had lost consciousness in the game, called Coma, had become so commonplace that the incidents were no longer treated as breaking news. However, Canard held a special place in Yuichi’s heart. Due to work, it had been years since Yuichi had logged into The World; close to ten years, and now, the former guild master Silabus of Canard logs into The World with a sense of nostalgia in his heart.
 Little did he know that this incident would find him connected to an even more serious incident involving Mother that would shake the very foundations of society…


登場人物紹介 Main characters

>> 第1話 reunion (日本語ver)
>>Epsode1. reunion (English ver.)